Right Of Way Mowing

About Right Of Way Mowing

Large and small machine mowing and weeding along interstates, primary, and secondary roads – Energy Services ensures top of the line service and customer satisfaction.

We specialize in mowing for pipelines, stations, plants, utility lines and manned facilities. For years, we have been a leader in maintaining and mowing rights-of-way safely and effectively. We have the ability to develop a monthly or seasonal mowing schedule to fit your company’s needs.

Our right of way mowing contracts require us to understand the following points:

  • Acceptable mowing – the height of the vegetation must be six inches maximum height and the mowing must be neat and acceptable in appearance.
  • Back slope – the area from the bottom of the roadway ditch to the top of that same ditch
  • Mowing Cycle – a continuous mowing effort until designated area is completely mowed
  • Mowing Height – Six inch maximum height uniformly cut
  • Right-of-Way – within the boundaries of access control
  • Roadside Obstacles – obstacles within the roadside infrastructure to include sign posts, light posts, guardrails, headwalls, bridges, abutments, mailboxes, etc.
  • Roadway – the entire portion of the designated roadside
  • Roadway Ditch – the depressed area parallel to the highway or roadway
  • Slope Mower – a tractor with articulated arm mower attached
  • Slope Mower Mowing – used for mowing sloped area deemed unsafe for wheel equipment
  • Trimming – the reduction of vegetation in a designated area

All of these activities must be performed according to the specifications of each municipality.
